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//Pink Is Sweet
make me cry :'( love you guys
Thursday 10 May 2012 | 06:28 | 0 Talking ♥
hm seriuslly kite rindu sgt kat semua kawan kita .. nak balik time form 3 happy je now hmm paling kite rindu sgt nak jmpa fatin fatihah , amirah , fasya , azureen , k.ayna and semua bdk btp :')

tadi kite post status mcm tu and tu yg kite buktikan yg kite rindu dorang semua . that just my memorry <3 hmm seriusly time school holiday kite nak spend time dgn korang semua <3 apatah lagi dgn ateyn :'))

kite promise dgn korang semua kite tk kan lupakn korang semua okay :)

btw tadi time tgah online hmm ttbe air mata kite jatuh sampai tak boleh nak stop seriuslly i miss you ateyn hmm kite selalu doa untuk dia supaya dia happy :) for you ateyn tak mau sedih sedih okay nanti tak comel lah . hee kite teringn nak tgk face awak babe . hmm nak sgt texting dgn awak mcm dulu selalu luah kan je apa yg kite rasa . hahaah ngada's tapi time form 3 mmg kite happy duk satu class dgn awak walaupn kejap je :) but ateyn selalu ada time rysha sedih kan .. hihihi sama mcm fasya , myra azureen and k.ayna apa apa pun ateyn take care tau and don't forget eat and smile baby's <3 muahhh :*

meloveeyouguysforeverbabe <3

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the gorgeous about first i meet you

i love you naughty boy <3

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Skin By //SuhailaRoslan